Hurricane Matthew - How to Weather a Power Outage Using the 4 Phases of Emergency Management

Green Building Service Provider - SUNRNR of Virginia, Inc
Nov 15, 2016
Hurricane Matthew - How to Weather a Power Outage Using the 4 Phases of Emergency Management

Hurricane Matthew How to Weather a Power Outage Using the 4 Phases of Emergency Management
Photo credit: Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA

When Hurricane Matthew tore through the Caribbean and up the coast of the United States last month, the deadly hurricane lasted 11 days and caused record-breaking flooding and sustained winds over 100mph. After the storm moved through, residents and aid agencies faced the daunting task of reestablishing access to basic necessities and sanitation.  And efforts to recover were impeded in many areas by massive power outages and washed out bridges and roads.

To many of our SUNRNR customers, hurricanes are no strangers.  Over the years their names have changed, but their impact and threat of impact is familiar and constant.  While a SUNRNR may be a solar + storage portable solution for off-grid, agribusiness, or daily use, an extreme weather event such as Hurricane Matthew exemplifies the crucial need for emergency power that is safe and reliable.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency identifies 4 Phases of Emergency Management:  Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.  Emergencies may give little or no warning and evacuation is not always an option. This cycle provides a good framework for identifying when and how to incorporate portable solar + storage into your emergency plans.

 Photo credit FEMA



“During Hurricane Charlie we were without power for two weeks.  We were prepared this time.”

-       SUNRNR owner, Mark O.

The goal of mitigation is to reduce the damaging effects of an emergency and to prevent secondary emergencies. 

●  What types of events can occur in your community and around your region that would affect power?  Remember, you may not be hit by an event, but your power source may be.  During Hurricane Matthew, outer rainbands triggered flash flooding hundred of miles away from the center of the hurricane.

●  What could be the consequences of short term and long term power outage for yourself, family, neighbors, farm, or business?  How will you address food, water, and sanitation needs, receive emergency announcements, communicate with family, and refrigerate perishable food or medicine?

●  What have you learned from past events? What could you improve upon?

●  How will you generate power that is safe and reliable? Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the leading causes of death after storms involving power outages. A SUNRNR portable generator eliminates this threat.  It can be run indoors, creates no toxic fumes, and doesn’t require fuel - an especially limited resource during and after an emergency.

●  What power tools would you need for emergency repairs during or after an event?



Photo courtesy of SUNRNR owners, Gary & Ellen B.


“The storm was predicted to have 60-70 mph winds here. Prior to the storm, we topped the three units off to the max with an AC charger, just in case. It’s a good feeling, knowing that we have this system for everyday use and emergency power!”

-       SUNRNR owners, Gary & Ellen B.

Preparation enables you to respond more quickly and efficiently when an emergency is headed your way or is right on your doorstep. 

●  Know your equipment and what your SUNRNR can power. You don’t want to be reading an owner’s manual when you need to be boarding up windows or taking care of your family or livestock.

●  Do a test run with your SUNRNR ahead of time and involve everyone in your household.

●  Make sure your generator is fully charged

Photo credit Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA


“Here we are in the middle of Hurricane Matthew...but the good thing is that we have the SUNRNR generator here giving us light, powering the refrigerator, and running some fans.”

-       SUNRNR owner, Andrew P.

During the Response Phase of Emergency Management, preparedness plans are put into action to safeguard lives and prevent further property damage.  As you can see in this video that SUNRNR owner, Andrew recorded during Hurricane Matthew, having a portable solar + storage generator and knowing how to use it can power not only essentials but also provide a degree of calm during a chaotic situation.

●  Let there be light. Not only does illumination create an emotional sense of safety for you and your family, but it reduces falls and accidents and allows you to assess damage and identify imminent hazards.

●   Stay informed. Weather emergencies can often create cascading events. Power your radio or TV and keep your cell phone charged so you can learn of any additional hazards heading your way, request help, communicate with family and neighbors, and stay informed about recovery efforts in your community. 

●  Safety first. A SUNRNR generator can be used indoors and creates no toxic fumes. You can use your generator to power a fan to keep your family cool and to keep your perishable foods and medicines safe.



After the immediate emergency is over, recovery can be indeterminate and impaired by a damaged infrastructure and a scarcity of fuel.  As soon as the storm has passed and it’s safe to do so, set out your solar panels so you can begin recharging your SUNRNR.  With solar + storage you have the ability to care for your basic power needs.

●  Make repairs around your home with the benefit of power tools.

●  Keep your food fresh.

●  Give support to family, neighbors, or recovery workers simply by being able to provide a charging station or a cooling station.


What did you learn?  What could you improve to lessen the impact of the next emergency and power outage?

Hurricane. Tornado. Derecho. Ice storm... The causes of power outages are countless, but with the 4 Phases of Emergency Management as a guide, you can use solar + storage to care for your family and property.

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Green Building Service Provider - SUNRNR of Virginia, Inc

SUNRNR "Sun Runner" of Virginia manufactures and sells clean, silent, portable solar generator power systems which store renewable energy in a rechargeable battery for off grid electricity or emergency backup power.

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