Green Building Community
Rate It Green’s Community is a gathering place for connecting and sharing green building information and experiences. Add your thoughts and questions to our discussions, or create or join a group that interests you. With your participation, we can create a powerful resource and connect green builders across the globe.
Canada's largest Passive House building under construction in Vancouver
Eighth Avenue, a real estate development group is currently developing a mixed-use project with 85 unit market rental building in the rapidly revitalizing/re-evolving neighborhood of the East Hastings corridor, Vancouver Heights. The pro… more...

0 replies | 2393 views | Posted on: 04/01/2017 | Last updated: 04/03/2017
Solar Mysteries - Solved! Why do Some PV Systems Perform Better Than Others? April 11, 6:30 pm, BSA, Boston
Solar Mysteries - Solved! Why do Some PV Systems Perform Better Than Others? PH Mass April 11, 2017 6:30 to 8 PM @ BSA Boston Luke McKneally, Architect and Passive House consultant Some PV projects perform better than others despite… more...

0 replies | 668 views | Posted on: 04/02/2017 | Last updated: 04/02/2017
The historic New Delhi Ashok Hotel: Beyond green to LEED Gold
Nestled within 25 acres of prime land in the diplomatic enclave of New Delhi, India, The Ashok hotel epitomizes heritage and grandeur, with sustainability embedded as its core value. This 550-room, five-star hotel built in the 1950s has bot… more...

0 replies | 3147 views | Posted on: 03/16/2017 | Last updated: 03/16/2017
LEED Pilot to certify Cities and Communities
Did you know that LEED doesn't just work for buildings, but it works for cities and communities too? In addition to building certification, LEED also includes a certification pilot structured for cities to measure and improve performance… more...

0 replies | 3010 views | Posted on: 03/16/2017 | Last updated: 03/16/2017
Feasibility of Implementing Passivhaus Standard for Tall Residential Buildings
Highly energy-efficient and resilient buildings are crucial to the success of cities. As populations grow and cities become larger and denser, problems related to energy inefficiency are magnified and threaten urban sustainability. Passivh… more...

0 replies | 3977 views | Posted on: 03/02/2017 | Last updated: 03/02/2017
India ranks third globally in LEED certified green buildings with 2,386 projects
India ranks third in US Green Building Council's annual ranking of the top 10 countries for Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certified buildings. The country had around 15.90 million gross square meters (GSM) of LEED-certi… more...

0 replies | 2989 views | Posted on: 03/01/2017 | Last updated: 03/01/2017
Event: Triangle: Bi-Monthly Luncheon Series Focus on LEED V4, 3/21, 11:30am - 1:30pm, Raleigh, NC
TRIANGLE: Bi-Monthly Luncheon Series Focus on LEED V4 by USGBC North Carolina Tuesday, March 21, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM EST Location: Hyatt Place Raleigh West 710 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 With LEED v4 fully underwa… more...

0 replies | 911 views | Posted on: 02/22/2017 | Last updated: 02/22/2017
Workshop: LEED v4 - The Intersection of Collaboration, Performance & Well-being, USGBC Nevada, 2/28, 8 - 12:30PM
Workshop: LEED v4 - The Intersection of Collaboration, Performance & Well-being USGBC Nevada Tuesday, February 28, 8:00am - 12:30pm Tickets: $150 – $200 Location: Nevada Discovery Museum 490 South Center Street Reno , NV 89501… more...

0 replies | 1355 views | Posted on: 02/22/2017 | Last updated: 02/22/2017
What is a High Performance Home?
"High performance homes" is a term that’s bandied around a lot. We’ve found that many people don’t really understand exactly what it means or the benefits of owning a high performance home until they’ve lived in one. So what really … more...

0 replies | 15236 views | Posted on: 02/16/2017 | Last updated: 02/16/2017
Passive House & Prefabricated Homes: The Way Forward?
With evolving building standards, certifications and processes, there has never been a better time for architects, contractors, consultants, and supply companies to unite and create a truly green future. High performance prefab firm Ecocor… more...

0 replies | 2580 views | Posted on: 09/21/2016 | Last updated: 09/22/2016
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