Green Building Community

Discussions with tag 'World Resources Institute'

Webinar: "The Road Past Paris: What Happened at COP 21 Climate and Where Do We Go From Here?” Dec 15, 10 am EST

by Allison Friedman // Rate It Green Admin

Webinar: "The Road Past Paris: What Happened at the COP 21 Climate Talks and Where Do We Go From Here?” December 15, 2015 10-11 AM EST World Resources Institute will host a global webinar to …

Filed under: Webinars

Keywords: Climate Change,COP21,World Resources Institute

0 replies | 830 views | Posted on: 12/13/2015 | Last updated: 12/13/2015

Food Waste is Real: Half Of All Food Produced in America Is Discarded

by EmmamHowe // Marketing/Green Policy Development

Did you know that the average American family of four wastes 1,160 pounds of food every year (roughly a quarter of all the food they buy)? Or that the average american throws away 20 pounds of food ev…