Green Building Community
Discussions with tag 'Climate Change'
Are Renewable Energies Reversing Progress on Climate Goals in Some Ways?
Renewable energy sources have seen great progress in the last decade, with significant innovation and growth, especially since the Paris Agreement was signed lasted fall. However, with their embraceme…
Food Waste Progress: Key Companies Embracing“Ugly” Produce
Food waste has become a major problem in the United States. According to the Natural Resources Defense Find, up to 40% of all food in the U.S. is tossed in the trash. Though some food is composted, mo…
Cloud Services Turning to Renewable Energy
The cloud - a service many of us use to extend our phone's and computer's storage by uploading information to remote servers - consume a lot of electricity to stay operational. In fact, in 2013 data c…
Global Green Development Goals: The Need For Sustainable Cities
There is a direct correlation between climate change and buildings, according to the World Green Building Council (WGBC) CEO Terri Willis. With the increasing incidence of dangerous climatic events su
…Clinton looks to California Regulators for Green Fuel Standards
Hillary Clinton is looking to find new ways to revamp the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), a regulation that was created in 2005 to try and promote renewable energy fuels, in order to do this she has so…
Blue vs. Red: Who Will Solve America's Climate Problems?
As November 2nd approaches, Democrats and Republicans face an election day that follows quite an eventful election season of emotions and surprises, with the least surprising being the extreme divide …
MIT Climate CoLab Crowds and Climate Conference Thursday, September 29, Cambridge
Crowds & Climate Climate CoLab Wednesday, September 28 8:30 AM - Thursday, 29 September 12:30 PM (EDT) Cambridge, MA The MIT Climate CoLab is an online community of over 75,000 people, where exp…
Bill McKibben "On the fate of the Earth" Lecture - Thursday, November 10, 7-8:30, NY NY
Bill McKibben ON THE FATE OF THE EARTH by The Nation Institute, The New School, and the Tishman Environment and Design Center a Thursday, November 10 7 – 8:30 PM EST The New School Universit…
Why Parks and Green Space will make Boston Climate-Smart- November 15, 5:30 - 7:30 pm, Boston
Why Parks and Green Space will make Boston Climate-Smart November 15, 2016, 5:30 – 7:30 pm Simons IMAX Theatre at the New England Aquarium 1 Central Wharf Boston, Massachusetts You’re i…
Post Election '16: What Can You Do?
On Tuesday, November 11th, climate change and the environment seemed to become casualties of what had been the most bizarre and stressful U.S. Presidential election of recent times. Political and econ…
TiE Boston Deep Dive: Carbon Capture Use & Storage, Monday December 5, 6-9 pm, Cambridge
TiE Boston Deep Dive: Carbon Capture Use & Storage Monday, December 05, 2016 - 6 - 9 pm MIT 35 Ames St Building 66, Room 110 Cambridge , MA 02142 See map: Google Maps Learn about the curre…
Wow, Check out this Sea Change Map of Boston in 2050 and 2100
See what happens in 2050 and in 2100 generally, and with a major flood event. We've got some climatechange mitigation work to do. Thanks Mike Duclos for point…
Webinar: Introduction: Lancet Countdown on Public Health and Climate Change - 12/22 1:15 pm EST
Introduction: Lancet Countdown on Public Health and Climate Change Webinar 12/22 1:15 Join Island Press, the Public Health Institute and the Security and Sustainability Forum for the US introducti…
January 9 - A "Day Against Denial" - or More Positively, FOR the Planet - 12 noon, Boston
January 9 - A "Day Against Denial" - or more Positively, FOR the Planet - 12 noon, Boston Multiple Locations 1. Sen Ed Markey Boston Offi…
Conservation Law Foundation Teleconference: The Plan For The First 100 Days of Trump, Wednesday 1/18
Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) Teleconference: The Plan For The First 100 Days of Trump Date: Wednesday, January 18 Time: 10 - 11AM EST Join CLF during their teleconference to learn more …
Event: Big Deals: Visionary Responses to Climate Change in NYC Wednesday, February 8, 2017, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Big Deals: Visionary Responses to Climate Change in NYC Wednesday, February 8, 2017, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm The Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place, NY, 10012. Addressing climate change cal…
As climate change accelerates, floating cities look like less of a pipe dream
Out of the box thinking - Noah’s Ark for an era of melting polar ice sheets An audacious plan to respond to climate change by building a city of floating islands in the South Pacific is moving fo…
The Netherlands invests in new Global Climate Adaptation Centre to help countries cope with warming climate
The Netherlands will host a new Global Centre of Excellence to help countries, institutions and businesses to adapt to a warming climate with the support of the Japanese government and UN environment …
EBC - Forecasting Industry Trends for Environment, Energy & Climate Sectors - March 31, 7:30am-12noon, Boston
Forecasting Industry Trends for Environment, Energy & Climate Sectors Environmental Business Council of New England, Inc. March 31, 7:30am-12noon, Boston This EBC future markets program will focu…
EBC Program - Impact of Climate & Extreme Weather on Water Infrastructure Systems: 3/28, 7:30am
EBC Water Resources Program: Impact of Climate & Extreme Weather on Water Infrastructure Systems When: March 28, 7:30-11:30am Where: McLane Middleton 300 Tradecenter Drive, Woburn, MA 01801 Ch…
GreeningUSA Fundraiser - Film Preview: March 30th, 6:30-8:30pm
GreeningUSA Fundraiser - Film Preview: "How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change" When: March 30th, 6:30-8:30pm Where: Marriott Syracuse Downtown 100 East Onond…
Sustainability Forum Luncheon Seminar: Developing a Waterfront Resiliency Plan, April 5th 11:30-1pm
Sustainability Forum Luncheon Seminar: Developing a Waterfront Resiliency Plan for Beverly, MA When: Wednesday, April 5th, 11:30am-1pm Where: 100 Beverly Cummings Center, Suite 221-E, Beverly MA 0…
Climate Change and Building Resilient Communities, Monday April 10, 5:30-7:30 pm - Providence
Climate Change and Building Resilient Communities Monday, April 10 at 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island 500 Exchange St Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Hosted by Woona…
Webinar: Climate Changes Health: Community Design and Transportation 1 - 2 pm EDT April 28, 2017
This is the third webinar supporting the American Public Health Association's "Year of Climate Change and Health". If you missed the first two sessions, you can watch them at the links below. The t…
The Future of Food: Climate, Crops, and Consequences Lecture Series
The Future of Food: Climate, Crops, and Consequences Lecture Series May 8 | 4:00pm Biological Labs Lecture Hall, 16 Divinity Ave., Cambridge The Future of Food: Climate, Crops, and Consequences L…